Jul 28, 2021
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Web Stories on Properti2.com.
You could create a short story containing the highlight of your web article in a few slides. Then, add an "AMP Stories page" link to your social media stories.
Advantage! With AMP Stories, Google is offering a beautiful place at the top of the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) for your best pieces of content.
You can inform your audience or promote your products or services in a format tailored for mobile. Also, an AMP Story works perfectly on desktop.
AMP Stories are written using AMPHTML and they use their own AMP extension: amp-story. The first step is to import the amp-story in the header.
<script async custom-element="amp-story" src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-story-1.0.js"></script>
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color: white;
text-align: center;
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<amp-story standalone title="Stories in Properti2 - Terbaru" publisher="Properti2" publisher-logo-src="android-icon-192x192.png" poster-portrait-src="properti2.jpg" poster-square-src="properti2.jpg" poster-landscape-src="properti2.jpg">
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<amp-img src="unit-2-kt-lt--16-tower-condominium-apartemen-la-grande-tamansari_20190622151149.jpeg" animate-in="fly-in-top" width="720" height="1280" layout="responsive" alt="Unit Apartemen Corner at La Grande Apartment, Lantai 16">
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<h2><a href="id/listing/unit-apartemen-corner-at-la-grande-apartment-lantai-16-i9cd" title="Unit Apartemen Corner at La Grande Apartment, Lantai 16">Unit Apartemen Corner at La Grande Apartment, Lantai 16 </a></h2><p>Rp1.9 miliar </p>
<amp-story-grid-layer template="thirds">
<h2 animate-in="fly-in-bottom" grid-area="lower-third" animate-in-delay="0.4s" style="color:#fff">Dijual Unit apartemen di Kota Bandung </h2>
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<amp-img src="tanah-pinggir-jalan-di-sudimara-pinang-kota-tangerang_1_20210725000416.jpg" animate-in="fly-in-top" width="720" height="1280" layout="responsive" alt="Tanah Pinggir Jalan di Sudimara Pinang, Kota Tangerang">
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<h2><a href="id/listing/tanah-pinggir-jalan-di-sudimara-pinang-kota-tangerang-be4a" title="Tanah Pinggir Jalan di Sudimara Pinang, Kota Tangerang">Tanah Pinggir Jalan di Sudimara Pinang, Kota Tangerang </a></h2>
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<h2 animate-in="fly-in-bottom" grid-area="lower-third" animate-in-delay="0.4s" style="color:#fff">Dijual Tanah / Lahan di Kota Tangerang </h2>
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<amp-img src="rumah-brand-new-di-tebet-timur-jakarta-selatan_1_20210725152452.jpeg" animate-in="fly-in-top" width="720" height="1280" layout="responsive" alt="Rumah Brand New di Tebet Timur, Jakarta Selatan">
<amp-story-grid-layer template="vertical">
<h2><a href="id/listing/rumah-brand-new-di-tebet-timur-jakarta-selatan-klj3" title="Rumah Brand New di Tebet Timur, Jakarta Selatan">Rumah Brand New di Tebet Timur, Jakarta Selatan </a></h2><p>Rp2.55 miliar </p>
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<h2 animate-in="fly-in-bottom" grid-area="lower-third" animate-in-delay="0.4s" style="color:#fff">Dijual Rumah di Jakarta Selatan </h2>
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Go creative!