NestJS with PostgreSQL, TypeORM, JWT auth, and Docker

Teguh Arief

May 28, 2024

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NestJS with PostgreSQL, TypeORM, JWT auth, and Docker.

These are the steps to run NestJS with PostgreSQL, TypeORM, JWT auth, and Docker, then Git through Darwin Terminal.

In addition for dependencies, also includes commands used by NestJS, Docker, and Git.

brew install node

npx @nestjs/cli new nestjs-postgresql-typeorm-jwt-auth

cd nestjs-postgresql-typeorm-jwt-auth

NestJS, PostgreSQL, TypeORM, and JWT auth

npm install pg @nestjs/typeorm @nestjs/jwt @nestjs/config class-transformer class-validator

npx @nestjs/cli g resource users

npx @nestjs/cli g resource auth

npm install


touch Dockerfile .dockerignore docker-compose.yml

docker compose build

docker compose up


git init

git add .

git commit -m “first commit”

git branch -M main

git remote add origin

git remote set-url origin

git push origin -u main

This project NestJS with PostgreSQL, TypeORM, and JWT auth, and Docker can be checked out at, then give me coffee.

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